
Seasonal Cards

Cards by Artist:
Anna Birney
Christine Tendle
Kaori Tharp
Susanne Berndt

Card price
$2.50 per card
5 for $10.00

Anna Cards Christine Cards Susanne Cards Kaori Cards
Our selection of beautiful cards are printed on archival heavyweight mat paper and are 4.25 x 5.5 in size, envelopes are included.

These high quality cards are only $2.50 per card.
Mix and match any 5 cards for just $10.00
Seasonal CardsNew Placemats
Our full catalog and online ordering is coming soon!
please contact us your order or inquiries and we will be happy to assist you.
We will let you know your total (including shipping) before we complete your order.
All Pages ©Ineye, Inc.